25 October 2009

Catch My Fall

It's my very favorite time of year and this fall is raging in all it's glory. The colors of fire are everywhere and my beloved oranges, reds and yellows escort me through my days. Add to that the cooling temperatures mixed with moody skies and I'm in heaven.

And of course there are pumpkins to carve.

Which means seeds for toasting natch.

Yay fall.

21 October 2009


I admit it.

I'm a little obsessed with iphone apps that appeal to my graphic designer self and my want to arty up the photos that I take on the phone without taking them into Photoshop on the computer. This dear reader, is way more fun and immediate. Less like worky. More like hobby.

All of these taken on iphone with ShakeItPhoto
You actually shake your phone and watch it develop. Silly? yes. Fun? heck yeah.

10 October 2009

Ah Weekend

Time to put the feet up and warm the toes in front of the fireplace.

Kittens like it too

Hope you stay toasty. Have a great weekend.