25 May 2009

It's Paint People

The pigment has arrived and we're loving it. Mostly we're sticking with white on white but in a few places we're laying it down. I likey.

This chartreuse really sings against the brick wall. It's the first thing you see when you walk in the front door and look up the stairs. When the west light comes through the windows it's magic. I also like how the neighbor's green shingles look in this vignette.

I know you think this next one looks like a nursery but it's not. The yellow is MUCH more hip young married couple awesome yellow in person! Really it is. (really) err, yup. Ok, maybe it's a little light and I played it too safe. I'm hoping once the floors get refinished it'll warm up and have a little more legs. If not, it looks like this will be one of my first tasks before moving to repaint it. I'm not giving up hope though...

Up next...the floors get sanded and finished this week. Next post should look much different. Talk to you soon!

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