25 January 2009

Good Things to Come...

So many blessings have come my way over the last year and a half!

I started dating an old friend that would become my husband, our dear friends and neighbors got hitched in San Francisco, Eddy asked me to marry him, we took a year to be engaged and plan our wedding, we carved pumkins from the pumpkin patch, we celebrated two Christmas' together, his daughters gave me my first "mother's day bouquet", we were "showered" by friends, two other couples we're friends with tied the knot, we went to Chicago, Boston, Baltimore and San Francisco for fun, we had a beautiful Catholic wedding and an amazing reception on the most gorgeous day of the entire year, we spent a lovely week in Mexico for our honeymoon, Eddy started a new job, a project I worked on was in "O" Magazine, I took my new family to the country where I grew up, we've made our tiny apartment a home and we're about to buy a fixer-upper this week. {whew}

This blog is a way for me to honor all that has happened since my journey with Eddy started and also a way to share the adventure of our little family as it unfolds.
Stay tuned!

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